Dr. Katerina Andreopoulou, Senior Researcher, Department of Chemistry, Univerisity of Patras, Greece Printable Polymer Semiconductors for large area PLEDs
short bioDr. Aikaterini K. Andreopoulou is a research scientist in polymer chemistry. She has been a Post Doctoral researcher at Greek Universities as well as foreign University laboratories (Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz, Germany and Roy & Diana Vagelos Laboratories, Department of Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia PA, USA). Her research activities focus on the development of functional polymeric materials. More specifically she specializes in dendronized polymers and metallopolymers, in hybrid materials for optoelectronics and in polymer electrolytes for PEM fuel cells. |
Ms. Evgenia Athanasiadou, Agriculturalist, OET (Organic Electronic Technologies), Greece Energy Solutions & Applications in Greenhouses (Agrores)
short bioEvgenia Athanasiadou has studied Agriculture at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and she is currently attending MSc in Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies. During her studies she is focusing on the effect of Organic Photovoltaics in the Greenhouse cultivation, the remote control of environmental conditions inside and outside of the Greenhouse and on the coverage of the energy needs of the Greenhouse from the OPVs. Mrs. Athanasiadou joined OET (Organic Electronic Technologies) in 2020 as an agriculturalist and participates in National R&D projects related to the implementation of OPVs in Greenhouses and to their effect on the cultivation. |
Mr. Evangelos Bakalis, Innovation and Dissemination Manager, HOPE-A, Greece HOPE-A: Building the new Green, Digital and Decarbonized Industry
short bioEvangelos Bakalis holds a MBA degree from International Hellenic University. He has more than ten years experience in Business Innovation in mining industry through his participation in European funded projects. Evangelos has organized and participated in several dissemination events to inform communities about exciting and innovative ideas. |
Dr. Peter Baumann, R&D Project Manager, APEVA SE, Germany Organic Vapor Phase Deposition (OVPD®) Technology of OLED for Display and Lighting Applications
short bioHe has most recently been working as Project Manager for R&D Projects at AIXTRON and APEVA. In 2000 he joined AIXTRON AG and in 2017 he joined APEVA SE, as it was started as a subsidiary of AIXTRON SE. His experience includes gas phase deposited semiconductors, electrodes, barriers and encapsulation materials for future generation device technology. He has been managing numerous R&D projects including various EU funded projects and a number of national funded projects in the area of organic vapor phase deposition (OVPD®), metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD), atomic layer deposition (ALD) and polymer vapor phase deposition (PVPD). He has authored or co-authored more than 80 peer-reviewed international scientific journal publications, 3 book chapters, 12 patents and has given numerous presentations at international scientific conferences in the field of organic electronic materials, perovskites, polymers, high-k dielectrics, wide-bandgap semiconductors, diamond and CNT for advanced device applications. |
Prof. Costas Charitidis, Director of RNanoLab, National Technical University of Athens, Greece Materials characterisation in the era of Digital Transformation: twin transition challenges and perspectives towards a decarbonized and circular economy
short bioCostas Charitidis is Professor in the School of Chemical Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens and Director of the Laboratory of Advanced, Composite, Nano Materials & Nanotechnology. He is member of the Scientific Council of the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation. He has been elected in the Deanship of the School of Chemical Engineering of NTUA since 2017. From 2010 to 2016 he has been Director of Section III: Materials Science & Engineering of the School, while from 2011 he is Director of the Interdisciplinary Postgraduate (MSc) Program: Materials Science & Technology (NTUA). He has more than 25 years of experience in the fields of Materials Science & Nanotechnology, Carbon-based materials and Safety impacts of Nanotechnology. He has extensive R&D experience through collaborations with international research centers since he has participated in more than 60 European and National funded projects, in many of them as Scientific Coordinator (most recent are: Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Advanced Manufacturing and Processing, Research Ethics and Integrity, Resource Efficient Economy with a Sustainable Supply of Raw Materials NMP FP7, Horizon 2020). He is a referee in International scientific journals, evaluator & scientific advisor of R&D projects. He is the author of several scientific books, chapters in international text books and more than 300 scientific publications in peer reviewed international journals and conference proceedings and cited ~5800 by other researchers (h-index 40). He has been supervisor of 15 PhD Theses and member of the examining committee of more than 60 PhD theses. |
Prof. Valadoula Deimede, Assist. Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Patras, Greece Polymeric materials for energy related applications
short bioDr. Valadoula Deimede is an Assist. Professor in the Department of Chemistry at University of Patras. She received a BS in Chemistry from the University of Patras in 1997, and a PhD in Polymer Chemistry from the same university in 2001. She spent one-year post doc at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research (2002-2003, Mainz, Germany). Her research activities are focused on the development of new polymeric membranes for use in energy related applications such as fuel cells, alkaline water electrolysis, lithium ion batteries and gas separation. She has participated in 12 national and European research programs and co-authored 37 publications in peer-reviewed journals and 5 international and national patents. Her scientific work has more than 1600 citations (h-index: 17, Google scholar). |
Mr. Salim Fachouri, ICT & Sensor Department Manager, OET (Organic Electronic Technologies), Greece Manufacturing Flexible & Printed RFIDs and Sensors for IoP (NFC Pack Project)
short bioSalim Fachouri is one of OET's Researchers, a Physcist with MSc in Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies. He has a strong background related to stents and biosensors and characterization techniques, his current field of interest lies in the development of printable sensors. He has participated in National and European R&D projects related to the development and the optical characterization of organic electronics with novel materials and processes, their innovative applications and their integration within IoT platforms. |
Dr. Luca Ferri, R&D Team, Seristudio S.p.A., Italy Conductive layers: a new application model for complex shapes
short bioHe studied Industrial Design at the University of Genoa, in 2018 he joined Seristudio in the Research and Development department and involved in rapid prototyping and industrial equipment. He has experience in the world of 3D modeling, printing and emerging production technologies, he is passionate about sustainable and decentralized production. |
Mr. Anastasios Galatsopoulos, R&D/Production Department, OET (Organic Electronic Technologies), Greece Manufacturing Flexible & Printed Perovskites Solar Cells
short bioMr. Galatsopoulos graduated from the Physics Department (part of the Faculty of Sciences) of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, with master studies in Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies also at AUTh. He is specialized in Sheet-to-Sheet and Roll-to-Roll printing processes for techniques such as slot-die coating, screen printing and spin coating. His work is focused on the field of Printed Perovskite Solar Cells and Printed Organic Photovoltaics (PPSCs & POPVs). His experience also includes layers’ and devices’ characterization via microscopy and solar simulation techniques. Mr. Galatsopoulos joined OET in 2018 firstly as a researcher and since 2019 he holds the responsibility for the Peovoskite Department. His research, and currently the main object of his work, is the manufacturing of fully-printed perovskite solar cells and modules. |
Dr. Spyros Kassavetis, Head of Nanofabrication Group, Nanotechnology Lab LTFN, AUTh, Greece Printed Electronics Open Innovation Test Bed Services
short bioDr. S. Kassavetis is the Head of the Nanofabrication Group in the Nanotechnology Lab LTFN. His research interests cover a wide range of nanomaterials (thin films & nanoparticles, polymers) and fabrication processes (Vacuum and Lasers) for applications in Plasmonics / Photonics and Green Energy. He is expert in nanoscale characterization techniques such as Scanning Probe Microscopies, Spectroscopic Ellipsometry and Nanoindentation. He has authored and co-authored more than 50 peer-reviewed publications in International Scientific Journals, 2 book chapters, more than 50 presentations in International Scientific Conferences, and he has participated as Senior Researcher in 10 EU funded R&D projects. |
Dr. Frederik Christian Krebs, CEO, InfinityPV, Denmark Using LBIC for quality control and defect detection in slot-die coated solar modules
short bioFrederik C. Krebs is the CEO of infinityPV, a previously a professor at the Technical University of Denmark, and a world-renowned scientist, recognized as one of the world’s most influential scientific minds. Frederik has been spearheading the development of polymer solar cells and has been awarded with the EliteForsk award, the DFF Advanced Grant for excellent researchers, and the Grundfos prize. When Thomson Reuters highlighted roll-to-roll processed polymer solar cells as one of 100 key research fronts, they wrote: "Frederik Krebs is the author of a remarkable 31 of 35 core papers in this highlighted research front. (...) These data clearly demonstrate the central position of Krebs in research on roll-to-roll processing of polymer solar cells." |
Mr. Vasileios Kyriazopoulos, Quality Control Manager, OET (Organic Electronic Technologies), Greece Large Area OLEDs and OPVs: Lighting & Energy in Automotive, Buildings and Greenhouses
short bioMr. Kyriazopoulos holds a MEng in Materials Science and Engineering from the Polytechnic School of Ioannina and a MSc in Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Currently, he is a PhD candidate in Physics, also in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Mr. Kyriazopoulos joined OET in 2018 and is responsible for the Quality Control activities/functions of the R2R process and the development of in-line metrology tools and methodologies for the real-time monitoring of the OPV manufacturing process. He is also responsible for the Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLEDs) production department, having expertise in various Sheet to Sheet and R2R printing techniques and methods, like slot-die coating, inkjet printing and spin-coating. Mr. Kyriazopoulos has also expertise in characterization of organic and inorganic materials using in-line non-destructive characterization tools and methods, such as Spectroscopic Ellipsometry (SE) and Raman Spectroscopy (RS) and ex-situ methods of Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). Mr. Kyriazopoulos has participated in several European and national R&I projects and holds more than 10 presentations in conferences related to Organic Electronic materials. |
Prof. Elefterios Lidorikis, Professor of Computational Materials Science, University of Ioannina, Greece Open innovation platform for modelling organic electronic material properties, process, and devices
short bioDr. Lidorikis is Professor of Computational Materials Science in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Ioannina Greece. He received his BSc in Physics from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Greece (1993) and his PhD in computational physics from Iowa State University in USA (1999). He held postdoctoral positions in Louisiana State University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology as well as an industry position in the MIT spin-off Luminus Devices Inc. His research interests are in Computational Material Science focusing on nanophotonics and nanoplasmonics, organic- and graphene-based optoelectronics, integrated optics for ICT, multiscale modeling of materials, optical spectroscopy and modeling of nanostructured materials and thin films. He has extensive R&D experience in both academia and industry and co-coordinated several European and National projects (FET, NMP, NMBP, ICT, etc). He is author of over 100 peer-reviewed papers and received over > 5700 citations holding an h-index=33. He is the holder of 19 US patents and given more than 50 invited talks in international conferences. |
Dr. Panagiotis Mangelis, Project Manager, OET (Organic Electronic Technologies), Greece Semitransparent OPVs for Energy Efficient Mediterranean Greenhouses (PHOTOKIPIA)
short bioDr. Panagiotis Mangelis is the Project Manager within OET R&D Department with a demonstrated history of working in the field of Materials for Sustainable and Renewable Energy Technologies. He is responsible for the management of projects focused on the development of Products and Applications of Printed Organic Photovoltaics, OLEDs and Sensors. Having worked as a Post-doctoral Researcher in University of Pisa, Italy and in Foundation of Research & Technology – Hellas (FORTH), he has long experience in supervision and management of EU, US and National funded research projects. He is skilled in material synthesis and processing as well as in the development and characterization of Photovoltaics and integrated thin film devices for energy harvesting. He is a holder of a BSc degree in Physics from University of Athens and a MSc degree in Materials for Sustainable and Renewable Energies from Heriot-Watt University, UK. In 2018 he completed his PhD in Materials Chemistry from University of Reading, UK.. Dr. Mangelis has several publications in peer reviewed journals and has participated in many international conferences. |
Dr. Francesco Matteucci, Program Manager in Green Technologies, European Innovation Council, Belgium EIC portfolio and hands-on approach to facilitate the sustainable electronics innovation journey
short bioFrancesco is an innovation manager with 20 years of experience spent as a researcher in materials science, as a Corporate R&D Manager within the field of technologies for renewable energy production and storage, and as an intermediary of knowledge trying to exploit the research results within the field of energy and environment. As R&D Corporate manager, he also cofounded and directed several start-ups and joint-labs managing public-private partnerships. As a facilitator of knowledge exploitation (IoK), he co-managed publicly funded projects, as well as Emilia Romagna Climate-KIC Innovation Centre, Dhitech Living Lab on Nanotechnologies, Emilia-Romagna Greentech Clust-ER. Francesco acted as scientific expert within the Vanguard Initiative ADMA Pilot, reviewer of research projects, co-authored over 30 scientific papers, 5 patents, and was Visiting Professor at the University of Ferrara as well as speakers in many conferences and workshops. Since October 2020 he is the EIC Programme Manager on Greentech with a focus on materials for energy and environmental sustainability. |
Mr. Evaggelos Mekeridis, Production & Quality Control Manager, OET (Organic Electronic Technologies), Greece Large Scale Manufacturing of fully printed Organic Photovoltaics (OPVs)
short bioMr. Mekeridis is specialized in Roll-to-Roll and Sheet-to-Sheet printing processes like slot die, gravure, flexo, inkjet and screen printing and dip coating. He joined OET in 2013 as a Researcher. His current research interests as OET’s Production & Quality Control Manager are the development and optimization of OPV devices by printing processes for pilot production, pulsed laser process for materials patterning, manufacturing of prototype OE devices (OPV, PPV, OLED) with R2R and S2S processes, materials optimization & testing, encapsulation, development of laser processes for OE nano-materials patterning and characterization & Quality control. He is experienced in synthesis and characterization of Organically Modified Silicate (ORMOSIL) coatings as barrier thin films, chemical and electrochemical deposition. His expertise includes synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials, and loading and release studies of hollow nanocontainers. Mr. Evangelos Mekeridis holds 4 patents and 14 publications in international scientific journals and more than 40 in conferences related to organic electronics, laser processes, coatings, nanomaterials and electrochemistry. He has participated in more than 20 European and national R&D projects related to the development of materials, techniques for printing and optimization of organic electronics processes. |
Dr. Georgios Ntinas, Researcher, Hellenic Agricultural Organization-Dimitra, Greece Sustainable agricultural structures using green and renewable energy to achieve neutral carbon footprint
short bioDr Georgios Ntinas holds a PhD degree from the School of Agriculture (Dept. of Hydraulics, Soil Science and Agricultural Engineering) of Aristotle University Thessaloniki (AUTh), Greece (2012). His PhD research focused on experimental and numerical study of a hybrid solar energy-saving system acting as a hydroponic grow gutter in a greenhouse with tomato cultivation and included greenhouse experiments and the development and validation of a dynamic mathematical model to simulate the thermal behaviour of the solar system. He has worked as a postdoc researcher at the University of Aarhus (AU, Denmark) where he studied airflows around agricultural structures, at National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA, France) where he parameterized heat and mass transfer coefficients for experiments in flux chambers, at AUTh for the production of energy from organic wastes, at Hellenic Agricultural Organization-Demeter (HAO, Greece), where he carried out the research project AgroETAK “Optimized Management of Tomato Crop Nutrition-Fertilizers: Investigating Energy-Agrochemicals Input and Determining Carbon and Water Footprint for the Production of High Added Value Products” and at Technical University of Munich (TUM, Germany), where he received funding to determine the carbon footprint in a semi-closed greenhouse. From 2014 until 2019, he has worked as a lecturer with teaching assignments of the courses “Systems Analysis as a Research Method” (6 academic semesters) and “Ecophysiology: Technical Procedures and Principles of Protected Cultivation” (2 academic semesters) at TUM. He has published 22 papers in international scientific journals, he is a reviewer in 15 international journals, and he has presented his work in many scientific conferences, seminars and workshops. He has participated as a coordinator, work package leader and research associate in 3 European and 8 national programs, while he is a member of scientific associations, societies and unions. |
Dr. Michail Ntovas, R&D and EU Project Manager, OET (Organic Electronic Technologies), Greece Development of Sustainable Renewable - Hydrogen Ecosystem for Greece 2.0
short bioDr Michail Ntovas is specialized in High Value Manufacturing of aerospace and Oil and Gas components, and also holds a level 2 in Non-Destructive methos such as VI and UT. Dr Ntovas holds a MEng in Materials Science and Engineering from the Polytechnic School of Ioannina and a MSc in Chemistry and Technology of Material from the same university. He received his EngD from the University of Strathclyde and worked for 4 years in the Advance Forming Research Centre (AFRC) in Scotland as a Research Associate and Knowledge Exchange Associate working for the Materials and Residual Stress Department. He joined OET in 2021 as a R&D and EU Project Manager. His current job is focused on European funded projects related to roll-to-roll manufacturing and OPVs and the Business Development activities for new opportunities for European funded projects. |
Dr. Luigi G. Occhipinti, Director of Research, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, UK Sustainability of energy autonomous sensor systems
short bioDr Luigi Occhipinti has been managing research and innovation for over 25 years, encompassing multiple fields of engineering including sensors, biomedical devices, electronic design and manufacturing, advanced signal processing, AI and robotics, renewable energies, and nanomaterials. Luigi is active both in academia and industry. After completing his PhD studies in 1995, he worked for over 18 years in the global semiconductor player SGS-Thomson Microelectronics (now STMicroelectronics), covering multiple roles in the organisation from team leader to group technical director, strategic alliances and R&D programs manager, with responsibility of teams located in Italy, France and Singapore. Since 2014 he works at the University of Cambridge, Department of Engineering, where Luigi is currently the Director of Research in Graphene and Related Technologies and covering the role of Deputy Director and Chief Operating Officer of the Cambridge Graphene Centre. Luigi is Senior member of IEEE, the world's largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity, as well as member of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), the IEEE Electron Device Society (EDS), the American Chemical Society (ACS), the Materials Research Society (MRS), and sits in multiple advisory boards of multinational collaborative research programs, experts technology groups, and editorial boards of scientific journals and book series. He also served in different standardisation committees, such as the IEEE P1620 on Organic Transistors and Materials, the IEEE P1620.1 on Organic Transistor-Based Ring Oscillators, the IEC/CEI CT105 on Fuel Cells technology, the IEC/CEI CT111 (Environmental Standardization for Electrical and Electronic Products and Systems), and the IEC/CEI CT113 (Nanotechnologies). Luigi is the General Co-Chair of the IEEE International Conference on Flexible and Printable Sensors and Systems (FLEPS) 2022 and former Technical Programme Chair since the first edition in 2019. He is also Programme Committee Member and former Chair of the Innovations in Large-Area Electronics Conference and Exhibition (innoLAE) since 2015. His research interests are centred around four strategic themes: i) Bioengineering and Healthcare medical devices, namely Smart Sensor Technologies and bio-electronics with main interests in on-body sensors, molecular diagnostics, advanced biosystems and implantable devices; ii) Complex, resilient and intelligent systems, with focus on Wireless wearable devices, Smart sensors and systems, Micro and Nano-manufacturing, Analogue and neuromorphic computing; iii) Stretchable and biodegradable electronics, focusing on Manufacturing, design and materials, Flexible Hybrid Integration of Multi-functional systems in bendable, stretchable and biocompatible substrates; iv) Energy, transport and urban infrastructure, including Large-Area Electronics, Energy harvesting, Autonomous Sensors & Systems. The outcomes of his research and innovation are captured in over 130 scientific publications in journals and conference proceedings authored or co-authored by Luigi with over 5000 citations, 3 book chapters, and over 65 patents and patent applications in 45 different patent families and having Luigi as inventor or co-inventor (9 as sole inventor). |
Mr. Alexandros Orfanos, Production Manager, BL-Nanobiomed P.C, Greece Manufacturing of novel Diagnostic devices and advanced Nanofilters against Pathogens and Viruses
short bioMr. Orfanos is Production Manager of BL Nanobiomed. He holds BSc in Physics and MSc in Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He has 2 years’ experience in biomaterials, in printing techniques and in nano characterization tools through his collaboration with Lab for Thin Films - Nanobiomaterials - Nanosystems & Nanometrology (LTFN). He is highly experienced in 3D Design and in 3D Printing with application on medical Equipment. Currently he is focusing on the field of fabrication of nano-filters for medical needs. Mr. Orfanos holds more than 10 presentations and posters in international conferences and participates in more than 4 European and National R&D projects. |
Mr. Miltiadis Papadopoulos, Business Development Manager, OET (Organic Electronic Technologies), Greece OPV Business Internationally in the Globe (Buildings, Automotive, Greenhouses)
short bioMiltiadis Papadopoulos holds a BEng in Electronic Engineering & Instrumentation Systems (University of Wales ) and a MSc in Electrical Engineering (University of Glasgow). Currently, he is OET's Business Developer and also has a key role in the Technical Sales department. He has developed many MWs in various sectors and different applications especially as an EPC contractor and developer through various companies (Schuco - Ecosun - Iliatoras etc). Last but not least he has been awarded 2 times (2015-2017) as a Silver Award contributor from Hellenic CRES (ΚΑΠΕ) due to his key role in achieving maximum energy efficiency and almost zero emissions in the building sector. |
Dr. Julian Koc-Richter, R&D Project Manager, Coatema Coating Machinery GmbH, Germany Tailored roll to roll equipment for green flexible electronics manufacturing
short bioJulian Koc-Richter studied Chemistry at the Ruhr-University Bochum and received his Ph.D. in 2019. During his studies he focused on the development and characterization of ultralow fouling polymer coatings for medical and marine applications. In 2020 he joined Coatema as R&D Project Manager and coordinates national and European funded projects related to roll-to-roll and roll-to-sheet processes for organic electronic devices, sustainable packaging and battery applications. |
Mr. Chrisostomos Varlamis, Product Manager, OET (Organic Electronic Technologies), Greece FPEs from Innovation to Solutions, leap in TRL
short bioMr. Chrisostomos Varlamis is the Product Manager of OET. He holds a BSc in Materials Science from the University of Patras an MSc in Nanotechnology from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and an MBA from the University of Bolton. He is experienced in the Roll-to-Roll manufacturing and encapsulation processes for Organic Electronics, lifetime testing, performance monitoring, and data analysis. He is responsible for the development of Energy Solutions and Products implementing large-area Organic Electronics. As a Product Manager, he focuses on innovative approaches for Product and Market Development, establishing partnerships with key stakeholders, thus making sure the product strategy matches the business model of OET. Mr. Varlamis operates closely with the Production, Marketing, and Sales departments to establish a comprehensive understanding of current and future user needs and ensure that products are manufactured and brought to market, achieving customer expectations. He has participated in several European and National R&I projects and holds 1 patent related to Organic Electronics. |