Prof. Stergios Logothetidis, Nanotechnology Lab LTFN & HOPE-A, Greece Intelligent Manufacturing of Flexible & Printed Electronics Industry to Boost Digital Transformation
short bioProf. S. Logothetidis is Professor of Physics, Materials Science, Nanotechnology, Thin Films & Nanomaterials Technologies, Optics and Nanomedicine in the Department of Physics in the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. He has extensive R&D experience as a Coordinator and partner in a plethora of European and nationally funded R&D&I projects. His research activity has generated over 930 papers and review articles in International Journals & Conferences. He is the author of over 350 peer-reviewed papers, 6 books and 5 patents, and has received over > 8000 citations holding an h-index=43. He is the Founder and Director of Nanotechnology Lab LTFN, of the Post-Graduate Program “Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies” and of the Center of Organic & Printed Electronics Hellas (COPE-H). Prof. S. Logothetidis is the Founder and President of the Hellenic Organic and Printed Electronics Association (HOPE-A). |
Dr. Nico Meyer, Coatema Coating Machinery GmbH, Germany Upscaling R2R-processes towards production
short bioNico Meyer studied organic Chemistry at RWTH Aachen and finalized his Ph.D. in 2000 in the field of Asymmetric Catalysis. He joined AIXTRON SE as Process Engineer for the first OVPD® system at Universal Display Corporation in US. In 2003 he coordinated funded Projects for Organic Electronics at AIXTRON. In 2013 he joined Coatema Coating Machinery GmbH to initiate and coordinate funded Projects based on Coatema´s Click&Coat™ Technology. The modular concept of Click&Coat™ offers the highest equipment flexibility for innovative processes and enables successful scale-up for production with reduced costs. Since 2018 he is Director of R&D Projects at Coatema. |
Dr. Nello Li Pira, Centro Ricerche Fiat, S.C.p.A, Italy OPVs, OLEDs and Sensors for the Car of the Future
short bioDr. Nello Li Pira holds a PhD in General Physics. He currently works as head of functional Surfaces & Coating group within Group Materials Labs Department. He is involved in the development and engineering of functional systems for vehicle applications. He is a master in surface and coating metrology and processing as well. He has international experiences in EU projects as project coordinator: FP7 PRIAM, FP6 NANOPRIM, and scientific responsible in FP7projects: LAMP, LIGHT-ROLLS, E-STARS. Fur-thermore, he is involved in the OE-A, EPOSS and OLAE platforms. |
Dr. Lefteris Tourasanidis, A. Hatzopoulos S.A., Greece Applications of Smart Packaging
short bioA chemist with over 15 years of experience in flexible packaging as the R&D manager at Hatzopoulos company. Designing structures, materials properties and multi-functional packaging solutions with focus on packaging optimization, consumer safety and sustainability. He is a member of the Technical Committee of FPE (Flexible Packaging Europe) and the Sustainability Committee of EAFA/FPE. Vice President of the Greek Packaging Association and Secretary General of the Hellenic Organic and Printed Electronic Association. |
Mr. Evaggelos Mekeridis, OE-Technologies, Greece Industrial Manufacturing of Flexible & Printed Electronics Devices |
Prof. Joannis Kallitsis, University of Patras, Greece Active Materials for Printed Organic Electronics
short bioDr. J.K. Kallitsis is Professor of Polymer Sciences and Technology in the Department of Chemistry, University of Patras and Collaborating Faculty Member in the Institute of Chemical Engineering Sciences of the Foundation of Research and Technology Hellas (FORTH/ICE-HT). He spent postdoctoral years in the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz and in the Kunstoff laboratorium at BASF, Ludwigshafen. He has been invited Professor in University of Berlin, University of Strasbourg, Ecole Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles (ESCPI-Paris), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH-Zurich) and University of Bordeaux. His research interests are focused in the field of advanced polymer synthesis and characterization, as well as polymer based nanomaterials. Materials for Energy related applications is a key research activity. He has been National Representative in International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), Polymer Division IV and Board Member in European Polymer Federation (EPF). His research activity has led to the publication of more than 190 papers in refereed journals, 230 contributions to International and National conferences and 15 International and Greek patents. |
Mr. Theodoros Tachtsidis, Nanotypos, Greece Large area nanostructured surfaces for security Applications
short bioMr. Theodoros Tachtsidis, Physicist, obtained his Bachelor’s degree from the Aristotle University in Thessaloniki, Greece. Since 2015 he is working as a research engineer within Nanotypos while his work focuses on the development of functional surfaces by imprint based processes (batch-to-batch and roll-to-roll) for tailored products & components.
Dr. Varvara Karagkiozaki, BL-Nanobiomed, Greece Nanomedicine Applications, Biosensors & 3D Bioprinting
short bioDr. V. Karagkiozaki is the Head of Nanomedicine Group of Nanotechnology Lab LTFN, AUTh. She is a Specialist Cardiologist, holding and MSc in Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies, and a PhD in Nanomedicine. She specializes in Clinical Nanomedicine, Development and Preclinical Validation of drug delivery nanosystems, nanoparticles and scaffolds to treat human diseases, such as Atherosclerosis, Orthopedic and Neurodegenerative Diseases, etc and to optimize implants like Cardiovascular stents, orthopedic implants, lenses and others, and Biosensors and 3D Bioprinting technologies in various medical and pharmacological applications. Also she is the Co-ordinator of the Greek Nanomedicine Platform. |
Dr. Christos Chochos, Advent Technologies, Greece Upscaling of High Performance conjugated polymers for Organic Photovoltaic modules
short bioChristos L. Chochos (born 10 November 1977, male) holds a degree in Chemistry (2001), a M.Sc (2004) and a PhD (2006) in Polymer Science and Technology from University of Patras. His research interests include the design, synthesis and commercialization activities of organic semiconducting materials. He is the scientific supervisor in 3 ongoing European projects at Advent Technologies, and he has successfully completed another 3 EU projects all on the development of organic materials for applications in organic photovoltaics. He is the author of 57 scientific publications [h-index=23; 1643 citations, Google Scholar (September 2018)] and 5 US patents. Recently, he has been appointed as Associate Researcher at the Institute of Biology, Medicinal Chemistry & Biotechnology (IBMCB) of the National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF). In the past, Dr Chochos was a recipient of a Marie Curie (2013-2015) Intra European Fellowship with an excellent mark (98,4/100) for the development of new high performance conjugated polymers with environmentally friendly methodologies for application in organic photovoltaics at the Polymers Laboratory of the Department of Materials Science Engineering/University of Ioannina and postdoctoral researcher at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in Strasbourg/France, at the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering of the Cyprus University of Technology and the Institute of Chemical Engineering Sciences (ICE-HT) in Patras.
Dr. Eleftheria-Maria Pechlivani, OE-Technologies, Greece Large Area OEs for Energy Production & Lighting in Automotive, Buildings and Greenhouses
short bioDr. Eleftheria-Maria Pechlivani is the R&D Project Manager in Organic Electronic Technologies P.C (OET) since 2016. She is responsible for managing and leading project’s actions, writing project proposals to EU, patents and coordinating critical R&D strategies, which support the innovations and commercialization of new products as well as revitalizing existing products. She graduated from the Department of Physics (BSc, 2002-2006) of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki- AUTH and she obtained her MSc in Physics & Technology (2006-2008) and her PhD in Applied Physics (2013) from the same University and Department. She is a specialist in growth of inorganic and organic thin films by Chemical Vapor Deposition and wet processes. Eleftheria is an expert in the development of Organic Photovoltaics (OPVs) and Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLEDs) and the structural, electrical and performance characterization of semiconducting materials. Before she joined OET, she was a postdoctoral researcher in Nanotechnology Lab - LTFN of AUTH. In her 10 year career as a research scientist at AUTH, she has successfully participated in several R&D projects (2 Horizon, 3 FP7 EU and 7 NSRF). |
Dr. Elias Hontzopoulos, Hellenic Photonics Cluster & Prime Laser Technology S.A., Greece Hellenic Photonics Cluster, HPhos: Facing the future with collaboration
short bioDr. Elias Hontzopoulos is an Affiliated Industrial Researcher in the Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser (IES) of the Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH). He received his PhD on chemical conversion of solar energy in 1983. He joined the Physics Department of the University of Crete as visiting professor (1986-1991) and the Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser of FORTH as researcher (1986-2000). During this period, he was working in the field of laser technology and applications, participating as scientific responsible and/or project coordinator in a large number of research projects funded by the European Commission (BRITE/EURAM, BRITE, ESPRIT, GROWTH, IST, COMMET programs) or other international financial institutions (NATO Science for Stability) in demonstration projects. He served as Greek National Representative (1994-1996) in the "Committee of Senior Officials" of the COST and as member (2000-2001) of the "High Level Panel for Research Infrastructures" of the European Commission. Since 2000 he works in the private sector in various positions, dealing with the corporate management and high-tech projects Today he is Co-Founder and Vice President of PRIME Laser Technology SA (solar thermal absorber manufacturer with laser technology) and Senior Partner and General Manager of Lamda Technology Ltd (company dealing with optical networks, photonic systems and laser applications). Since January 2015 he is chairman of the Hellenic Photonics Cluster (H-Phos). He is member of the "National Council for Research and Innovation (NCRI)" and vice chairman of the “Regional Scientific Council for Research & Innovation” of Attica region (Athens greater area). |
Dr. Argiris Laskarakis, Nanotechnology Lab LTFN, AUTh, Greece Bringing the Factory of the Future (FoF Smartline) and Open Innovation Environment (Cornet) in FPEs
short bioDr. A. Laskarakis is the Head of the Organic Electronics Group of Nanotechnology Lab LTFN & Center of Organic and Printed Electronics. He is a specialist in Flexible Organic & Printed Electronics nanomaterials (organic semiconductors, transparent electrodes, barriers for encapsulation) and devices (e.g. organic photovoltaics, organic thin film transistors) by vacuum and printing methods. Also, he is expert in optical metrology of inorganic, organic and hybrid nanostructured materials by Optical Spectroscopy methods as well as on the computational modelling of optical properties of nanomaterials and thin films. His work includes more than 73 peer-reviewed publications in International Scientific Journals, 4 book chapters, more than 120 presentations in International Scientific Conferences, and he has participated as Senior Researcher in more than 14 EU funded R&D projects. Finally, for the past 12 years he is responsible for the organization of the International Symposium on Flexible Organic Electronics (ISFOE). |
Mr. Dimitris Mandis, Assoc. of the Greek Manufacturers of Packaging & Materials (AGMPM), Greece AGMPM Activities to promote Packaging & Materials
short bioDimitris Mandis is the chairrman of the AGMPM (Association of the Greek Manufacturers of Packaging & Materials). He is currently working in the technical department of Druckfarben Hellas AEBE, a manufacturing company of printing inks for packaging structures. He studied chemical Engineering in the University of Patras and has great experience in plastic and paper converting, plastic processing and troubleshooting. He is working since 1993 in the packaging industry holding position of R&D manager, technical director, production manager and field engineer (Bic Violex, Athens Pack, Chris Pan – Vioplast, Eurodrip). |
Dr. Evangelos Bekiaris, Hellenic Institute of Transport, CERTH, Greece Flexible and Printed Electronics in Transport & Mobility Applications
short bioThe Director of HIT, Evangelos Bekiaris, is a PhD Mechanical Engineer of the National Technical University of Athens, former Research Director (Grade A Researcher) and former Head of the sector “Driver & Vehicle”. He has participated in over 100 research projects up to date, in 36 of which has led all the research consortium. His field of expertise covers issues of road safety, clean vehicles, smart grid applications, specialized telematics applications for vehicles, public transport and maritime transport. He has also profound experience in accessible transportation and personalized services for disabled people and elderly. |
Dr. Sozon Vasilakos, MIRTEC S.A., Greece Flexible and Printed Electronics: Industrial Applications and Standards
short bioDr. Sozon Vasilakos obtained a PhD in the field of Polymer Technology from the School of Chemical Engineering of National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) in 2013. Since then he is working in the Research and Development Department of the MIRTEC S.A.. He has more than 25 participations at International and National conferences, and 10 publications in cited journals. He has also participated in national and European projects dealing with functional textile materials, nanomaterials and polymers. |
Mr. Christos Giordamlis, PRISMA Electronics, Greece Applicaitons and prospects of FPEs to Electronics
short bioChristos Giordamlis is co-founder of Prisma Electronics and Chief Executive Officer since 1991. He has a degree in Electrical Engineering and studies in Management and Marketing at London School of Economics. He has steered Prisma Electronics to develop a unique technology in the field of Knowledge Management from Sensors and Humans. Since 1991 he is responsible to provide ICT Services in the Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, to setup and operate a SMT production line in electronics and to deploy energy production from renewable sources. He has been Project Leader in a great number of research projects in the fields of industrial Engineering, sensors, Wireless Networks, Fiber optics, Photovoltaic, Energy, Nanotechnology, Condition Based Maintenance, Big Data Analytics and Maritime. As a major outcome of those R&D Projects and by inspiring young Engineers and Developers, was the development of an integrated Industrial IoT and Analytics platform for maritime industry fully developed by Prisma Electronics. Also as CEO of Prisma, he has deliver ICT Products and services in Private and Public sector. Projects like Metropolitan Area Fiber Networks, City Wireless Lan, Software & Process solutions for Municipalities, Hospitals, Educational Institutes, ERP & CRM in local Industries and Smart Decision support systems for more than 300 vessels are successfully implemented the previous years in numerous customers. He has driven the development of Innovative products and services in field of Knowledge Management and content publishing to smart devices for cultural organization. He has been invited as speaker in a number of World Congresses, Workshops and events. Since 2013 he is President of the Industries Federation Network at Border Areas of Greece. He is also the elected President of Evros’ Manufacturers Federation since 2010. |
Ms. Alexandra Tasigiorgou, External expert of the European Commission on the Catalogue of DIHs Digital Transformation of European Industry & DIHs
short bioMs. Alexandra Tasigiorgou is external expert of the European Commission on the Catalogue of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs), a project which aims to establish a pan-European network of DIHs covering all of Europe and to strengthen European leadership on digital industrial value chains and platforms. She previously worked for 3 years as a Project Officer at the Unit for "Technologies and Systems for Digitising Industry" in Directorate General CONNECT of the European Commission where she had a leading role in developing the DIHs initiative as part of the Digitising European Industry strategy. In the European Commission's Research and Innovation Programme HORIZON 2020, Ms Tasigiorgou was responsible for the areas of embedded and cyber-physical systems, advanced computing, and ICT for manufacturing where she was evaluating and coordinating projects as part of several EU initiatives such as Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs (I4MS), Smart Anything Everywhere (SAE) and Robotics. |
Mr. Salim Fachouri, OE-Technologies, Greece Manufacturing Flexible & Printed RFIDs and Sensors for IoP
short bioSalim Fachouri is one of OET's Researchers, a Physcist with MSc in Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies. He has a strong background related to stents and biosensors and characterization techniques, his current field of interest lies in the development of printable sensors. He has participated in National and European R&D projects related to the development and the optical characterization of organic electronics with novel materials and processes, their innovative applications and their integration within IoT platforms. |
Ms. Foivi Logothetidi, HOPE-A, Greece HOPE-A: Connecting the Greek Industrial Stakeholders globally
short bioMs. Foivi Logothetidi is the Dissemination and Innovation Manager of the Hellenic Organic & Printed Electronics Association (HOPE-A). She is responsible for the Networking activities of HOPE-A with its worldwide partners and the utilization of its members potential. She also manages extroversion and technology transfer issues of the Nanotechnology Lab LTFN, AUTh. |
Ms. Katerina Kanteraki, Metavallon VC, Greece Starting up with Metavallon VC
short bioMs. Kanteraki is Program and Operations Manager at Metavallon VC. Previously, she worked at the EU Funding Management and Technology-Transfer office of Imperial College London, where she specialised in STEM research funding and commercialization. She also worked for MHA MacIntyre Hudson in audit and financial accounting for institutional non-profit organizations in the UK. Before moving to the UK, she studied and worked in Germany, Singapore, France and Greece with projects related to BPO, Digital Banking, Fintech, Insurance, Medtech and HR. On a voluntary basis, Katerina has helped startups accelerate their growth at Reload Greece, Impact Hub, Ashoka and Endeavor. Katerina holds a BA in Economics from Panteion University and an MSc in Management and Strategy from EMLyon Business School and Ludwig-Maximilian-University. |
Mr. Paschalis Kitsikopoulos, ELVE, Greece Applications to Smart Textiles & Wearables
short bioMr. Paschalis Kitsikopoulos is Vice-President at ELVE sa. He Studied at Northeastern University in Boston, Graduating from the D'Amore-McKim School of Business. Elve sa is a public traded company in the Greek stock market specialized in Uniforms and production of Solar Energy. Before his arrival at Elve sa he had invested in a start-up business called Dealingers. He has worked in Sani Hotel in the HR and the marketing department. At Costas Provision in the operational and ordering department. He also worked at Alpha Trust' a wealth management company that specializes in the Greek and the Global stock markets. |
Mr. Giorgios Triantafyllou, AllPack Hellas, Greece Nanotechnology in Packaging: The Marketing approach
shor bioMr. Triantafillou George, after a long and successful professional experience in organizing and coordinating both technical and professional exhibitions as long as conferences and seminars from 1993 to 2004, joined the magazines market place. From 2004 till 2008 he was the Managing Director of Publicity at the packaging magazine “All Pack Hellas”. All Pack Hellas is the unique magazine in Greece with specialization in packaging, which maintains a significant number of clients. It publishes newsletters every two months and several articles and specializes in labeling, packaging and all the sub sectors of package. From 2008 till 2018 Mr. Triantafillou is the owner and the head of publications and exhibitions of the magazine and the founder of the two sites, the 3D news, www.3dnews.gr and the site of the conference ‘’Packet Labels’’ www.packandlabeldays.com. Every two years Mr. Triantafillou organizes the ‘’Gold Label Awards”. |