LTFN will participate at NANOTEXNOLOGY 2014 which will take place at 5-12 July 2014, inThessaloniki, Greece. You can find more information here.
Lab for Thin Films - Nanobiomaterials - Nanosystems - Nanometrology
LTFN will participate at NANOTEXNOLOGY 2014 which will take place at 5-12 July 2014, inThessaloniki, Greece. You can find more information here.
Dr. Konstantinos Fostiropoulos (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin fur Materialien und Energie, Germany) is going to give an interesting talk-seminar during his visit to LTFN. The talk will take place on Wednesday 28 May - 12.30 hrs at A31 classroom of AUth Physics Dept. The subject of the talk will be the following:
"Organic Photovoltaics: Hybrid interfaces and organic structures"
Below you can see the poster of Wednesday's talk.
Prof. J. Gordon (Dept. of Chemistry, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA) is going to give an interesting talk on tuesday 27 May - 10.00 hrs at Solid State Physics Dept. classroom. The subject of the talk will be the following:
"Coherent Control of Internal Conversion in Pyrazine"
Below you can see the poster of Tuesday's talk.
LTFN will participate at LOPE-C 2014 which will take place at 26-28 May 2014, in Munchen, Germany. You can find more information here.
You can find more information here.
Prof. Roisin M. Owens (Dept. of Bioelectronics, Microelectronics Center of Provence, France) is going to give an interesting talk-seminar during her visit to LTFN. The talk will take place on Wednesday 09 Apr. - 12.30 hrs at A31 classroom of AUth Physics Dept. The subject of the talk will be the following:
"Control and Monitoring of Cells with Organic Electronics"
Below you can see the poster of Wednesday's talk.
Prof. G. Malliaras (Dept. of Bioelectronics, Microelectronics Center of Provence, France) is going to give an interesting talk-seminar during his visit to LTFN. The talk will take place on Wednesday 19 Mar. - 12.30 hrs at A31 classroom of AUth Physics Dept. The subject of the talk will be the following:
"Organic Bioelectronics in Neuroscience and Tissue Engineering"
Below you can see the poster of Wednesday's talk.
LTFN will participate at Industrial Technologies 2014 which will take place at 9-11 April 2014, in Athens International Conference Centre Megaron. You can find more information here.
Below you can find some photos from the event.
You can find more information here.
You can find more information here.
5 positions available for Researchers & Technicians in the Greek-German Project "GRE-Lect".
Find more info here.
Dr. N. Kehagias (Catalan Institute of Nanosciences and Nanotechnology (ICN2), Spain) is going to give an interesting talk during his visit to LTFN. The talk-seminar will take place on Wednesday 12 Feb. - 12.30 hrs at A31 classroom of AUth Physics Dept. The subject of the talk will be the following:
"Advanced manufacturing techniques for mass production of nano scale structures."
Below you can see the poster of Wednesday's talk.
Prof. K. Komvopoulos (Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, USA) is going to give three interesting talks/lectures during his visit to LTFN:
Below you can see the poster of Wednesday's talk.
The 12 Month Meeting of the SMARTONICS Consortium took place at 13 and 14 January 2014 at Saclay area, France.
Below you can find some photos of the event.
You can find more information here.
On Thursday 23 December 2013, Mr. Charalambos Pitsalidis will defend his PhD thesis with the subject "Deposition and characterization of Organic Materials for Organic Electronics applications" and Prof. S. Logothetidis as a supervisor.
Check out the following press clipping.
Gladiator seeks to improve the quality and size of CVD graphene sheets, and to reduce their production costs.
The GLADIATOR (Graphene Layers: Production, Characterisation and Integration) research consortium - funded in part by the European Commission - began on 1st November 2013 and will run for three and a half years (42 months).
Read more here.
The GLADIATOR project (FP7 grant agreement number 604000) began on 1st November 2013 and will finish in April 2017 after 42 months. GLADIATOR seeks to improve the quality and size of CVD graphene sheets, and to reduce their production costs, in order to make the use of graphene more attractive e.g. in applications such as transparent electrodes for large area organic electronics.
GR-Light Project project (SYNERGASIA 2011) kickoff meeting took place on 1st November 2013 at AuTh.
The main idea of GR-Light is to develop the r2r manufacturing technology and the flexible OLED devices for the production of sustainable & eco-friendly lighting systems. To attain the r2r compatibility and lifetime extension all the materials and device structures will be suitable for printing and will be encapsulated with high barrier materials to protect them from atmospheric gasses.
The signing of the Cooperation Agreement, took place during ROleMak's 6th Worskhop (30 Oct. 2013) at Electra Palace, Thessaloniki. Prof. S. Logothetidis and Dr. D. Gronarz signed the agreement. Below you can find some photos.