Lab for Thin Films - Nanobiomaterials - Nanosystems - Nanometrology


The Research Committee (Special Account for Research Funds) of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, in the framework of the project “Smart in-line metrology and control for boosting the yield and quality of high-volume manufacturing of Organic Electronics (SmartLine)” funded under the Horizon 2020 Call FOF-08-2017 of European Commission, with Academic Head, Prof. Stergios Logothetidis, Professor of Physics, invites candidates to submit applications for three (3) positions (through the award of a work contract), until 31/08/2020 (and in the case of an extension of the project until its expiration with a corresponding adjustment of the amount) with a total anticipated remuneration 83.000,00 € (VAT and taxes included). You can find more info here.

You can see the open positions requirements in detail and the application form by downloading the following files.

Call for expression of interest (english)
Call for expression of interest (greek)
Application form (english)
Application form (greek)

Dimokratiki Symparataxi MP Giannis Maniatis visited the Center of Organic and Printed Electronics (COPE-H). During the day, visitors were informed on the innovative research and manufacturing taking place at the Center.

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Nanotechnology Lab LTFN participates at 12th annual event of ETPN 2017, 17-19 Oct. 2017 at Malaga, Spain.

The Research Committee (Special Account for Research Funds) of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, in the framework of the project “Smart in-line metrology and control for boosting the yield and quality of high-volume manufacturing of Organic Electronics (SmartLine)” funded under the Horizon 2020 Call FOF-08-2017 of European Commission, with Academic Head, Prof. Stergios Logothetidis, Professor of Physics, invites candidates to submit applications for ten (10) positions (through the award of a work contract), until 31/08/2020 (and in the case of an extension of the project until its expiration with a corresponding adjustment of the amount) with a total anticipated remuneration 280.000,00 € (VAT and taxes included). You can find more info here.

You can see the open positions requirements in detail and the application form by downloading the following files.

Call for expression of interest (english)
Call for expression of interest (greek)
Application form (english)
Application form (greek)

The SmartLine Project Press Conference, successfully took place at the Center of Organic & Printed Electronics in Thessaloniki on 3rd October 2017. Prof. S. Logothetidis, Director of Nanotechnology Lab LTFN, Dr. A. Laskarakis, Head of the Organic Electronics Group of Nanotechnology Lab LTFN, and Mr. V. Matskos, CEO of Organic Electronic Technologies provided the journalists with an overview and answers on the EU funded Project, which started in September 2017 and is about to optimize the manufacturing of Organic Electronics and shape the Digitization of Industry.

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You can view the press release (in greek) here.

Below you can find some of the press clippings about the Smartline press conference.

We are looking forward to meeting you during Graphene Week 2017. Moreover Nanotechnology Lab LTFN is participating with a Poster presentation: "Graphene Layers: Production, Characterization, Integration & Devices (EU FP7 Project GLADIATOR)"; the overview results of the GLADIATOR Project which finished successfully in April 2017.

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Nanotechnology Lab LTFN was present at EUROMAT 2017, which is taking place in Thessaloniki, 17-22 Sep. 2017. In the photos you can find Researchers A.-R. Tsiapla and V. Mpakola during their oral presentations "Dual syringe drug delivery nanoscaffold for effective implantation in orthopaedic applications" and "Biomimic scaffold fabrication via dual syringe electrospinning system for dual drug eluting stents", respectively.

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On the 15th of September, the Kick-off meeting of SmartLine Project took place. SmartLine is funded by the EU Horizon2020​ research and innovation programme and will be coordinated by the Nanotechnology Lab LTFN. The Project's mission is to create intelligent and zero-defect manufacturing processes of Organic Electronic devices by developing robust and non-destructive in-line metrology tools and a process control platform. For more info visit SmartLine's website

smartline ko 15 09 17

Nea Dimokratia's party MPs, Mrs M. Antoniou and Mr I. Andrianos, together with Lecturer Professor at the Faculty of Law, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, V. Karakostanoglou visited the Center of Organic and Printed Electronics (COPE-H), where they were informed on the innovative research and manufacturing taking place at the Center.

visit copeh 14 09 17

Prof. Stergios Logothetidis gave an interesting talk about "Intelligent R2R printing for organic electronics: The new digital nanomanufacturing" at the 81st Prague Conference on Macromolecules in Prague, Czech Republic.

prague macromol 2017

Nanotechnology Lab LTFN will participate at Graphene Week Athens 2017, on 25-29 Sept. 2017. Visit us at our stand No. 06 and find out more about our activities!

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Greek Minister of Digital Policy Telecommunications & Media, Mr. Nikos Pappas visited the Center of Organic & Printed Electronics (COPE-H), founded by the Nanotechnology Lab LTFN, where he was informed about the pioneering research conducted at the Center which will shape the National Digital Strategy contributing to the Digitalization of the Industry.

Nanotechnology Lab LTFN researchers V. Mpakola and A.-R. Tsiapla were present at the 28th Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials ESB 2017 with two posters presentations: "Drug Delivery Nanosystems for Cardiovascular Stents" & "Dual Syringe Electrospinning system for Drug Eluted Stents" and "Controlled Drug Delivery Nanoplatforms for Medical Implants", respectively.


In the framework of NANOTEXNOLOGY 2017 and during ISFOE17 , on Monday July 3rd, the HOPE-A & JAPEC Joint Workshop took place, highlighting the cooperation between Greece and Japan in the fields of Technology, Innovation and Business in the era of Organic Electronics. The Workshop included presentations explaining the technology and entrepreneurial activities of HOPE-A and JAPEC partners. Below you can find some of the workshop's highlights.

hopea japec 01 hopea japec 02 hopea japec 03

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